Students of Mining Engineering of Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram visited PT DAHANA. The visit was intended to increase students’ insight into the mining industry, especially in Indonesia. A group of 40 students and accompanying lecturers of Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram were warmly welcomed by PT DAHANA’s SM Legal & Corporate Communication Juli Jajuli, at the DAHANA Campus, Subang, Wednesday, June 21 2023.

In his remarks, Mr Jajuli said that DAHANA’s Energetic Material Center is a center for research, development and production of high-energy materials. It is the largest explosives facility in the ASEAN region.

“DAHANA has mastered blasting technology from upstream by having integrated production facilities, and also downstream. DAHANA’s products and services are widely used in the country’s mining sector,” said Mr Jajuli.

Up to the present, DAHANA’s has more and more consumers in the mining sector spread throughout Indonesia. In fact, according to Mr Jajuli, DAHANA’s products have been exported to foreign countries, such as to Australia, which routinely uses cartridge emulsion products made by DAHANA’s Energetic Material Center.

In the blasting service sector, DAHANA has an advantage with the Total Explosives Solution system, where the company does not only provide explosives, but also facilitates blasting, construction of an on- site explosives factory (on-site plant), warehousing, mobilization of explosives, permits, to destruction. explosives.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Mining Engineering Study Program, Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram Bedy Fara Aga Matrani, expressed his gratitude for DAHANA’s warm reception. Mr Matrani said that currently the study program he leads is experiencing difficulties duo to lack of visual teaching aids .

“This visit is a valuable opportunity for us and students to gain knowledge from the industry. And the hope is that in the future, DAHANA can also assist us in providing blasting props so that the learning process is more optimal,” continued Mr Matrani.

After receiving explanations from experts on DAHANA’s mining explosives, the students had the opportunity to see first-hand the explosives production process in the DAHANA Energetic Material Center area.