Cartridge-D Emulsion Explosives. Emulsion explosives with high strength and sensitivity to detonator.


DAYAGEL® EXTRA is an emulsion-based explosive with good water resistance, high strength, and good sensitivity to detonators. DAYAGEL® EXTRA is gray resembling paste, packaged in plastic wrap.


DAYAGEL® EXTRA has excellent blast fume characteristics making this product suitable for use in underground or surface operations.

Since DAYAGEL® EXTRA is an explosive sensitive to detonator No. 8, it has a low sensitivity to mechanical impact. This criterion of insensitivity to mechanical impact is a very important safety feature.

The correct method for destroying DAYAGEL® EXTRA spills can be requested from DAHANA’s Explosives Technical Specialist or the related authorities.


DAYAGEL® EXTRA is a packaged explosive with a relatively high density which makes it resistant to water and is designed to produce large amounts of energy as a primer in blasting operations in mines, quarries and other blasting works.

Recommended Usage

Blast Hole Depth

Suitable for blast hole depths of 3-50 meters.


DAYAGEL® EXTRA is designed as a detonator sensitive explosive and will deliver maximum energy efficiency when initiated with the detonator no. 8 or higher.

Explosive Fuze Effect

Explosive fuze with a size of 10 g/m can be used to initiate DAYAGEL® EXTRA. Explosive fuzes with dimensions of less than 10 g/m are not recommended for use with DAYAGEL® EXTRA. If in doubt, you can consult DAHANA’s Explosives Technical Specialist.

Dayagel Extra