DAYAGEL MILITARY is a ammonium nitrate based explosive that is specialized form of explosive material. Especially designed formulation generate high levels of energy, high strength and
robust detonator sensitive emulsion explosive. The product is gray in colors with a firm putty-like consistency.
While sensitive to initiation by a No. 8 detonator, DAYAGEL MILITARY has a very low mechanical impact sensitivity. This impact insensitivity criterion is a very important safety feature.
If exposed to fire, DAYAGEL MILITARY will self extinguish unless a vigorous external source of heat is applied. Whilst DAYAGEL MILITARY does not burn easily, it should be kept clear of flame or excessive heat.
If DAYAGEL MILITARY whilst remnants are to be destroyed by burning, advice on the correct method should be sought from DAHANA Engineering Center located at DAHANA offices, or from the local explosives statutory authority.
DAYAGEL MILITARY is a water resistant packaged explosive for special purposes such as:
Store DAYAGEL MILITARY in well ventilated magazine suitably licenced for 1.1 D Explosives. Store far away from sources of heat or ignition of another chemicals. Do not subject the product to impact and friction.
DAYAGEL MILITARY has storage life in excess of 12 months in an approved magazine even in hot or extreme humidity.
For diameter between 25 mm & 38 mm @ operating density 1.23 gr/cm3
*The “Relative Effective Energy” (REE) of an explosive is the energy calculated to do effective blasting work.
Unconfined in 25 mm@ 10 oC 4.6 – 5.0 km/s
Unconfined in 32 mm@ 10 oC 5.0 – 5.4 km/s
Unconfined in 55 mm@ 10 oC 5.4 – 5.6 km/s