Head of the Internal Audit Unit (SPI) of PT DAHANA Y. Agus Setiawan entered the Retirement Preparation Period (MPP) from the explosives mecca company. Mr Setiawan’s farewell ceremony was held at the DAHANA Auditorium, Subang and attended by the Board of Directors and employees on Thursday, June 27, 2024.

In the event which was packaged with a sharing session, Mr Setiawan expressed his gratitude to DAHANA for being a part of his life. He said that PT DAHANA is a company that has a special place as it has provided the employees with homy and friendly atmosphere that makes up the Company’s growth and development.

“My deepest gratitude to the entire DAHANA family, to the board of commissioners and directors, to fellow fighters, and all employees for their warm cooperation so far in advancing DAHANA. Please forgive me for what I have done wrong during my stay in DAHANA,” said Mr Setiawan.

Mr Setiawan has devoted his thoughts and energy for 33 years to the Company. He started his career in DAHANA by serving as a member of the Finance Division in 1991. Ten years later, Mr Setiawan was assigned as Acting Assistant Manager of Accounting for the Jasatambang Division and was then appointed as Finance Manager in February 2023.

The man who is familiarly known as a ‘father’ to DAHANA employees in Subang was also the Head of the Partnership and Community Development Program (now SER) in 2004. Owing to his capability to manage the Company’s finances, Mr Setiawan was then appointed Senior Manager in several financial positions, one of which was the Senior Manager Financial Auditor, and finally filled the position of Head of SPI since 2023 onward.

oMr Setiawan is one of the living witnesses of DAHANA’s journey, starting from an office in Tasikmalaya with limited facilities, to an explosives company with the most complete facilities in the ASEAN region. His warm and nurturing figure will always be remembered by all employees.

“Currently, DAHANA has become more advanced and developed; the Company has various facilities and technologies. As someone who was raised by DAHANA, I hope that DAHANA will grow more advanced and be able to become worldwide explosives company that is reckoned with in the world,” concluded Mr Setiawan.

The solemn event was followed with testimonies from Dahana’s directors and employees. After the souvenir giveaway, the event was closed as everyone were shaking hands with the Head of SPI who will step into the Retirement Preparation Period in early July 2024.