Head of Social and Environmental Responsibility (SER) unit of PT DAHANA shared his experience with the Millennial Agriculture Forum, Tani Akur Edition, which was attended by hundreds of participants from various regions in Indonesia. The activity under the theme of “Support of TPKAD [acceleration team for access on regional funding] and Regional CSR [Corporate Social Responsibility) for Young Farmer capital” was held in a hybrid manner at BDSP-BPP [business development service provider-centre for agricultural instruction] of Cibogo, Subang, on Wednesday, June 19, 2024.

Mr Suherman explained that PT DAHANA is committed to developing the economy of the surrounding community by fostering MSMEs [Micro Small and Medium Enterprises] in the agricultural, trade, and other sectors that have a major impact on the progress of the community’s economy.

“For SER activities, there is an MSME funding program available. In 2023, the management of MSME funding was transferred to the BRI [Bank Rakyat Indonesia] Subang Unit. MSME actors or farmers can access PUMK [funding for micro and small enterprises) with the available BRI units. This PUMK activity is currently popular among the community with an administration fee of 3% per year. The SOP is referred to BRI, but we can recommend those who access it according to the given characteristics,” said Mr Suherman.

By collaborating with BRI for distribution of MSMEs capital, DAHANA now focuses on fostering MSMEs to move up a class through several programs such as coaching, involving MSME partners in various exhibitions, packaging, managing BPOM [board for food and drug administration] and halal certificates, and trying to expand the market for fostered partners from traditional markets to modern markets and digital markets.

Currently DAHANA has a number fostered partners who have proven to be successful in moving up a class. Not only expanding production, several DAHANA fostered partners have penetrated the international market with competitive product quality.

“We also emphasize, in the process of accessing PUMK funds, that SOEs has a concentration on businesses that have a broad impact as this will make it easier for prospective fostered partners to get access to capital. No exception in the agricultural sector,” he added.

In the agricultural sector, DAHANA has rolled out several programs, such as the utilization of the company’s forest area into productive land managed together with the Forest Farmer Group (KTH), as well as the Nursery Eco Park which is a laboratory for millennial farmers for learning effective planting.