PT DAHANA (Persero) once again won the “Best SOE 2021 in the Non-Financial Sector for Strategic Industry Sector” at the Best Financial Figure and BUMN 2021 event organized by Investor Magazine on December 15, 2021. The event was given through virtual meetings and broadcast via Youtube and Facebook channels BeritaSatu.
According to DAHANA’s President Director Wildan Widarman, the Investor Magazine rating is one of the motivations for DAHANA to continue creating various breakthroughs, both innovation in the fields of production, service, and the implementation of Good Corporate Governance (GCG). The Company continues to strive to advance into an explosives industry capable of competing in the global market.
“This award means a lot to DAHANA, because we have really experienced the impact of the pandemic on DAHAN’s business. It has been very challenging, and thank God, we managed to get through it well. Please pray for us that we can do better,” said Mr Widarman during his speech.
SOEs included in this year’s ranking were those with a net profit. SOEs with not net profit were not included in the assessment. In addition to the net profit, Investor Magazine team also conducted assessment based on the five parameters.
The five parameters were annual net profit growth, one year operating income growth, ROE (return on equity), ROA (return on assets) and NM (net profit margin) ratio. These data were obtained from the Ministry of Finance, the company’s published financial reports, and important factors such as productivity, efficiency, implementation of GCG (good corporate governance), management professionalism and social responsibility.
Investor Magazine pointed out that the category grouping was different from that of the Ministry of SOEs. Grouping for the assessment purpose was made based on SOEs’ business habitat.
Throughout the 2019-2020 period, PT DAHANA (Persero) was able to record revenues of up to 1.9 trillion rupiah, with a healthy assessment in term of the financial aspect. The company engaged in the explosives industry has also succeeded in expanding its performance by penetrating the National Strategic Project, as well as expanding its business to Australia by exporting hundreds of tons of Emulsion Cartridges.
In view of implementation of Good Corporate Governance (GCG), DAHANA has applied the Anti-Bribery Management System (SMAP), worked in collaboration with Financial and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP) to conduct a GCG audit at DAHANA, and performed audits and supervision in the Internal Supervisory Unit (SPI).