PT DAHANA enlivened the DEFEND ID Mini Exhibition by displaying its explosives innovations at the peak of the 47th anniversary of PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PTDI). The DEFEND ID Mini Exhibition, which displayed defense products from PT Len Industri (Persero), PTDI, PT PINDAD, PT PAL Indonesia, and PT DAHANA, was held in the PTDI Sales Mockup Building Area, Bandung, on August 26 2023.
In his remarks, the President Director of DEFEND ID Bobby Rasyidin congratulated PTDI for turning 47 years old. He also pointed out that DEFEND ID has high hopes for PTDI to rise as the theme of the 47th Anniversary ‘Bangkit Lagi!’, PTDI’s revival will certainly be fuel so that DEFEND ID is able to achieve its goals, namely independence of national Defense and Security Equipment Equipment (Alpalhankam).
“47 years is quite a long journey, PTDI’s future challenges are enormous, especially to restore Indonesia’s independence to regain control of Indonesian space. Happy 47th birthday, PTDI, keep moving forward, keep flying on the sky of the motherland,” wished Mr Rasyidin.
In line with the President Director of DEFEND ID, the President Director of PT DAHANA Wildan Widarman also congratulated PTDI on the achievements. Mr Widarman said that PTDI is not merely a company with historical experience. Mr Widarman also believed that under the power of AKHLAK’s core values, PTDI can rise again to become a world’s reputable aerospace company.
“Congratulations on PTDI’s 47th anniversary. Hopefully all the company’s goals and objectives that have been set can be realized. It will be an honor for the Indonesian people if PTDI can revive to control Indonesian airspace and become an aerospace company that is reckoned with in the world market,” said Mr Widarman in separate opportunity.
At the DEFEND ID Mini Exhibition, DAHANA exhibited innovative explosives for both the commercial and military sectors which caught the attention of the visitors.
“Wow, it turns out that Indonesia has a SOE that produces sophisticated explosives. We, as citizens are also proud of DAHANA’s products. I saw earlier that we can make rockets independently. And what makes DAHANA’s explosives product even better is the fact that it has a high TKDN value. I wish great success for DAHANA in the future,” said one visitor at the DAHANA booth.
In addition to the the Mini Exhibition, PTDI’s 47th Anniversary was also made merrier with a Fun Walk and Bazaar which were attended by the personnel of companies that are members of the defense industry holding DEFEND ID.