PT DAHANA is concerned about the online gambling issue which is currently widespread in Indonesia. Refusing to remain silent, DAHANA supports the government to combat online gambling. One of them is through the MHU Site Project which campaigns against online gambling by placing various banners around the MHU site in Tenggarong. East Kalimantan. 

According to PT DAHANA MHU Jsp DTU-1 Operations Superintendent Eddy Dharmawan, this activity is an effort to help the government fight online gambling which has harmed the people and the country. In recent years the circulation of money in online gambling has reached hundreds of trillions rupiah with casualties from various groups, especially the younger generation and informal workers and the unemployed.

According to Mr Dharmawan, online gambling is not only financially detrimental to the perpetrators, but also has a very broad negative impact. Online gambling addicts have the potential to trigger mental problems such as stress and depression and even increased crime. In addition to that, online gambling is also vulnerable in terms of misuse of users’ personal data.

“Therefore, we as fellow citizens are taking steps to be involved in eradicating online gambling by means of campaigns in hoping that more and more people will be aware of the hazards of online gambling, both for their individuals, families and also the country’s economy,” explained Mr Dharmawan ( 07/15/2024).

Indonesian Minister of Communication and Information, Arie Setiadi, revealed in his press release that there are 2.7 million people who have become victims of online gambling violence. The government is working to rescue the victims, especially children, young people and mothers.

In order to combat online gambling, PT DAHANA has put up a banner that reads ‘You have a lot of debt and you are gambling? It’s stupid!! Stop online gambling, it makes your life miserable” in several locations around the MHU site, Tenggarong, East Kalimantan.

“This is a step that we can take, reminding local people to avoid online gambling, especially since online gambling also makes people trapped in never ending online loans, debts, and loss of theit valuables. “There have been many losses and suffers, it is time to fight online gambling,” concluded Mr Dharmawan.