Liliek Mayasari, Assistant Deputy for Manufacturing Industry of Ministry of State-owned Enterprises (SOEs), Republic of Indonesia, representing Erick Thohir, Minister of SOES, in the General Meeting of Shareholders (GMS), discharged the current Board of Directors and appointed new members of the Board of Directors of the PT DAHANA (Persero). The succession ceremony was held virtually on Wednesday, August 4, 2021.
Discharge and appointment of members of the Board of Directors of PT DAHANA (Persero) was referred to Decree of the State Minister of SOEs as the General Meeting of Shareholders Number: SK-257/MBU/08/2021 dated August 4, 2021 concerning discharge, changes to the nomenclature of positions, transfer of duties, and appointment of members of the Board of Directors of PT DAHANA as follows:
1. Discharge with honor Mr. Budi Antono as President Director;
2. Discharge with honor Mr. Asmorohadi as Director of Finance and HR
And appointment of members of the Board of Directors of PT DAHANA (Persero)as follows :
1. Mr. Wildan Widarman as President Director;
2. Mr. Ahyanizzaman as Director of Finance, Risk Management and HR;
3. Mr. Suhendra Yusuf Ratu Prawiranegara as Director of Technology and Development.
And therefore the current composition of the Board of Directors of PT DAHANA (Persero) is:
President Director: Mr Wildan Widarman
Director of Finance, Risk Management and HR: Mr Ahyanizzaman
Director of Technology and Development: Mr Suhendra Yusuf Ratu Prawiranegara
Director of Operations: Mr Bambang Agung
In addition to the change in the composition of the Board of Directors, there was also a change in the nomenclature of the assignment of the Board of Directors, which was originally the Director of Finance and HR to the Director of Finance, Risk Management and HR.
It is necessary to note that the position change within leadership, whether due to promotion or rotation in a company/institution is a normal process. This is in line with the demands and developments of the company which is also related to the need for refreshment and regeneration of leadership.
The company expressed its gratitude for the dedication and contribution of the leaving directors and hopes that the new members of the Board of Directors will carry out their duties in supporting the progress of the company.
“Today we welcome the new change of directors of PT DAHANA. We express our gratitude for the devotion, dedication, and contribution of Mr. Budi Antono and Mr. Asmorohadi to DAHANA during their tenure. We are ready to work together in hoping that the new Board of Directors will further improve the company’s performance in supporting shareholder plans in the Defense Industry Holding process,” said Bayu Anggoro, acting Corporate Secretary of PT DAHANA (Persero).
PT DAHANA (Persero) is a State-Owned Enterprise (SOE) for the defense industry that offers integrated explosives services for the Oil and Gas, General Mining, Quarry and Construction sectors, as well as the Defense sector. Having its headquarter in Subang, Dahana has more than 50 years of experience and is supported by complete Energetic Material Center facilities, the latest technology, and the best human resources.