To get introduced to explosives produced by PT DAHANA (Persero), the Head of the National Police Research and Development Center (Puslitbang) Brigadier General. Pol., Iswyoto Agung Lesmana Doeta visited DAHANA’s Central Management Office (Campus) Tuesday, November 30, 2021.


During his visit, Iswyoto, who was accompanied by 16 personnel from the National Police Research and Development Center was welcomed by the Director of Technology and Development of DAHANA, Suhendra Yusuf. Mr Yusuf introduced the area of the center of high-energy materials, as well as innovative products  successfully engineered by the nation’s experts  working with DAHANA.


“Research and innovation play an important role in the sustainability of our business. Based on the needs we encounter  in the field, various products have been created by our Energetic Material Center,” said Mr Yusuf.


Mr Yusuf also said that DAHANA opened up opportunities for cooperation with any party to build Indonesia’s explosives independence, including with the National Police Research and Development Center in the field of research and development of explosives. To date, DAHANA has carried out various collaborations with domestic institutions to help strengthen Indonesian Defense and Security Equipment (Alpalhankam).


After receiving some  explanation about DAHANA’s products, the National Police Research and Development team continued their activities by directly visiting explosives factories located in the EMC Area, such as the Cartridge Emulsion Factory, Non-Electric Detonator Factory, as well as the DAHANA explosives quality test site located in the bunker.


Being a part of a company engaged in the explosives industry, DAHANA’s EMC area is included in the National Vital Object (Obvitnas) area, so cooperation between the National Police and DAHANA is very much needed. Apart from that,  the Indonesian National Police also has the responsibility to issue permits for the distribution, use, and destruction of explosives in Indonesia.


During the  occasion, the National Police Research and Development Center expressed their wish  to gain knowledge about the use and application of propellant constituent materials such as nitroglycerin (NG) and nitrocellulose (NC). The National Police Research and Development Center also appreciated DAHANA for encouraging the independence of domestic explosives by constructing  a propellant factory.


“The use of propellant for munitions is of course  closely related to the National Police Research and Development Center, therefore we also plan to invite PT DAHANA (Persero) to visit our place at the National Police Research and Development Center in Bogor,” said Mr Doeta  Iswyoto.