Forum Human Capital Indonesia (FHCI) of State-Owned Enterprises held Sharing Session in the Auditorium Room of Central Management Office (Kampus) of PT DAHANA (Persero) Subang on Wednesday (3/8) and was attended by some Directors of Human Resources from several State-Owned Enterprises, academics and observers of human resources.
Using theme “HCM Model For Holding Company” FHCI was presenting three panelists, namely Dwi Wahyu Daryoto as the Director of Human Resources & General from PT PERTAMINA (Persero), Prof. Ernie Tisnawati Sule from DBI Padjadjaran University, and Denny Turner from Mercer Principal.
This event was attended by Imam Bustomi as the Assistant of Deputy Executive Human Resource Management of State-Owned Enterprises. by the existence of FHCI, Imam Bustomi expected that the gap between state-owned enterprisess could be mapped, because of FHCI consists of some Directors of Human Resources from some State-Owned Enterprises.
“If the policies are for all State-Owned Enterprises, FHCI can participate to formulate the policies that could eventually be submitted to the Ministry so that they can be rules that later can be used together” Imam Bustomi said to Dfile. (3/8/2016)
On the other hand, Imam Bustomi continued to talk if there are programs that are related to human capital, FHCI can give advice to the ministry, He thought that it can be very helpful because it still lack of resources if being compared with the number of State-Owned Enterprises.
“We can cooperate with FHCI. FHCI assigns the people who are experts in particular, for instance a psychologist because we are related to the institutions for assessment center, including to make some standards we need for references” Imam Bustomi said.
With the formation of Holding, according to Imam Bustomi, FHCI can prepare some talents for future leaders in order to support the Holding Company.
“So that the Ministry needs talent of leaders to be placed in the position that he is ready with” Imam Bustomi said.
Meanwhile, Herdy Harman as the Chairman of FHCI, explained that the similar discussions have been often done, but the discussion about Holding Company was the first time.
Beside the discussion, the FHCI meeting was also to elect a new leader of FHCI for the next three years. (SYA)