Human Resources Director of PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia (Telkom) Tbk, Herdy Harman was re-elected by acclamation to be the Chairman of the Forum Human Capital Indonesia (FHCI) in the members meeting that was held in the Auditorium Building of Central Management Office (Kampus) of PT DAHANA (Persero), Subang on August 3 2016.
Of the 22 directors of human resources presented in this agenda, 18 voices opted Herdy Harman to become the candidates of FHCI chairman and 4 votes were abstained. With the advent of a name, Herdy Harman elected unanimously to continue to be the Chairman of FHCI period 2016-2019.
Meanwhile the acquisition of the candidates of Secretary-General (Secretary General) FHCI, Six (6) names appeared, they are Susilo Hertanto (DAHANA) got 3 votes, Muhammad Ali (PLN) got 2 votes, Bob Seger Harjo (PTPN) got 2 votes, M. Najib Fauzan (Jasa Marga) got 2 votes, Djoko Retnadi (RNI) got 1 vote and Tri Andayani (LEN) got 1 vote. While the other 11 votes were abstained.
By seeing the name of the candidates and the most votes, the forum agreed to choose Susilo Hertanto to become The Secretary-General of FHCI accompanying Herdy Harman as Chairman for the next three years.
To the new chairman of FHCI, Ahmad Bustomi as the as the Assistant of Deputy Executive Human Resource Management of State-Owned Enterprises has great expectations to the leader of FHCI to continue doing the work programs for the advancement of all state-owned enterprises and participate into supporting The Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises.
“The Leaders of FHCI have to think about the progress of all State-Owned Enterprises, not only thinking of the progress of their own companies” Imam Bustomi said (SYA)