Five state-owned defense industry holding companies consisting of PT Len Industri (Persero), PT Dahana, PT Pindad, PT PAL, and PT Dirgantara Indonesia organized the initial coordination meeting following its inauguration in April 2022 by President Joko Widodo.
Work meetings were held for synergizing the realization of the DEFEND ID strategic program carried out by 4 integration teams. Integration Team 1 is for finance, risk management, HR and general function; Team Integration 2 is for areas of marketing and cooperation; Integration Team 3 is for Manufacturing & business process operations; and Integration Team 4 is for in IT, technology, HR qualification & certification, and supply chain
During his remarks, Len’s President Director Bobby Rasyidin said that this agenda was to discuss the way take concrete steps towards the 8 DEFEND ID strategic programs, increase holding’s EBITDA fundamentally, and improve cashflow to make sure it can reach the end of the year according to the work budget and plans.
“Our current on-hand contract (DEFEND ID) has reached an amount of IDR 48.7 trillion. The challenge now is to speed up timely product delivery,” said Mr Rasyidin,
Mr Rasyidin also said that Len and DI had completed the bank debt restructuring program, followed by PAL which was still in process. DEFEND ID will also carry out its respective holding financial restructuring.
Another good news is that there is a potential for synergistic and intersecting contracts among the holding members whose value can reach an amount of Rp 15.6 trillion.
These values include electric motors, Anoa vehicles, ICCS Cavalry, GCI radar, railway infrastructure, refurbishment of Sigma & Bung Tomo Indonesian National Ship, LPD ships, Indonesian Air Force Datalink, drilling & blasting service, development of national missile systems, R-Han 122B rockets, reverse engineering missiles, etc.
The coordination meeting also discussed HR development and mastery of key technologies, determining where the core competencies are and what the costs and impacts will be.
DEFEND ID technology development must be in line with the government at BRIN (National Research and Innovation Agency).
The coordination meeting was attended by the Assistant Deputy for Manufacturing Industry of the Ministry of SOEs Liliek Mayasari; the five president directors namely, President Director of Len Bobby Rasyidin, President Director of DAHANA Wildan Widarman, President Director of PINDAD Abraham Mose, President Director of DI Gita Amperiawan, President Director of PAL Kaharuddin Djenod; the Board of Directors DEFEND ID, as well as the Ministry of SOE’s Manufacturing Industry Future Team.