Palm sugar demand is currently going up, not only as a food seasoning, but for as other needs such as a substitute for granulated sugar for making coffee or tea. The trend of consumption palm sugar milk coffee that affects young Indonesians also contributes to the high demand for palm sugar.
Learning the high demand for palm sugar, Elly Syah, a resident of Cibeusi Village, Subang Regency, tried her luck by becoming a liquid palm sugar maker in 2015. She has the lucky coincidence; in 2022 PT DAHANA’s Social and Environmental Responsibility (SER) Unit saw an opportunity for the development of the palm sugar market and asked Miss Syah to join DAHANA’s fostered partner.
“Thank God, we received a lot of assistance in the form of business facilities such as packaging for Cimenak rice and Cimenak palm sugar. In addition to that, DAHANA’s SER also provided tools and equipment for processing palm sugar, thanks to DAHANA for helping us, I hope DAHANA will be successful and victorious,” said Miss Syah.
Not only DAHANA, on Thursday, March 2, 2023, in commemoration of the first anniversary of the Indonesian defense industry holding, DEFEND ID also visited Cibeusi Village and delivered assistance in the form of planting of sugar palm trees along with provision of processing tools and equipment.
The Head of DAHANA’s SER, Eman Suherman said that as an explosives company headquartered in Subang, DAHANA does not want to be a company that grows without its surroundings. He hoped DAHANA’s presence in Subang may give benefits and welfare to the people of Subang especially in terms of education, health and SME economy.
In the last few years, DAHANA has been successful in bringing its fostered partners into the international market. Mr Suherman said that this was because DAHANa—in addition to providing assistance, also organized business training, marketing, and involved fostered partners in national and global scale exhibitions.
“Yes, we also hope that beside provision of business facilities, DAHANA or DEFEND ID provides assistance in the form of training, mentoring, and space for promoting our palm sugar products. Therefore, this business can grow and develop, boosting the economy of the Subang rural community,” concluded Miss Syah.
Juli Jajuli
Senior Manager Legal & Corporate Communications
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