DAHANA’s Al Akhdar Mosque Management Board once again held a virtual monthly study under the theme of Comprehension of the Differences of zakat, infaq, shodaqoh (alms), and waqaf (endowments). The study, which was attended by Dahana employees from all office areas and operations, was held on Friday, January 15, 2021 with Ustadz Syahroni Mardani Lc as a key speaker.
During the study Ustadz Syahroni explained the basic differences between zakat, infaq, shodaqoh, and waqaf. “Zakat is obligatory and there are 2 types of it: zakat fitrah and zakat mal. While infaq and shodaqoh are sunnah; to be fulfilled when people can afford them, ”explained Ustadz Syahroni.
Ustadz Syahroni also elaborated the requirements for implementing zakat, infaq, shodahoh and waqaf. He conveyed that the form and amount of zakat have been determined, including who has the right to receive it. Unlike zakat, the form of infaq has been determined in the form of material, both goods and money, but the amount is not determined. Whereas shodaqoh or alms can be anything, not always materials. Friendly utterance and a sincere smile are part of shodaqoh.
With regards to waqaf, Ustadz Syahroni stated that waqaf is the transfer of property rights from a private ownership to be used collectively by recipients both for the sake of worship and the interests of public welfare in accordance with the law.
The study which lasted for one hour was finalized with a question and answer session which was enthusiastically welcome by the participants who raised questions with regards to the topic under discuss which were immediately and satisfactorily responded by Ustadz Syahroni. Anwar Sanusi, Chairman of the Al-Akhdar Mosque Management Board hoped that this monthly study would not only increase knowledge and expand religious knowledge, but also became a means of gathering, considering that DAHANA employees are not concentrated in the Subang and Jakarta Offices, but also throughout DAHANA’s Site Projects throughout Indonesia.
“Such event is included in the mosque’s management program, God willing, this monthly study will be held on a virtual basis each month to be followed and benefitted by the entire DAHANA family,” concluded Anwar. (rmt)