PT DAHANA has built a Pentahelix partnership with  Class II A Correctional Institution of Subang Regency in Subang, the Sutaatmadja School of Economics, and the Pasundan Express. This collaboration was marked by the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding entitled “Empowerment of Class II A Subang Correctional Inmates (WBP)” which was held at the Class II A Subang Correctional Institution on Friday Morning, February 25, 2022.


As specified in the MoU, DAHANA as chairman of the Subang Social and Environmental Responsibility Forum (TJSL) is responsible for the administration duty of the TJSL program to inmates, helping to improve the quality of life of the Correctional Inmates (WBP) in the economic field, as well as monitoring and evaluating its program implementation. The event was attended by the Regent of Subang, H. Ruhimat.


“DAHANA as the chairman of the Subang TJSL/CSR forum supports the activities of fostering ex-convicts to be independently productive and make sure that they can start a business according to their respective expertise when they return to the community”, said DAHANA’s Director of Finance, Risk Management and Human Resources, Ahyanizzaman.


The collective agreement signed by Mr Ahyanizzaman and his counterparts is intended to help Correctional Inmates (WBP) to lead a more decent life, realize their mistakes, improve themselves and not repeat criminal acts so that they can be come back to the community in a convenient way. In addition, they are also expected to play an active role in development and can live naturally as good and responsible citizens.


The chairman of TJSL DAHANA, Eman Suherman explained that this activity serves as a collaboration from the company for the economic pillar by providing business facilities and empowering MSMEs promoted by the company. Until now, the company continues to empower the economy of the Indonesian people, especially in Subang, to  help them move forward together with DAHANA.


The Pentahelix program also received a good response from the Indonesian Ministry of Law and Human Rights. Quoted from Pasundan Ekspress, the Inspector General of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights, Razilu, appreciated the Pentahelix program initiated by the Head of Subang Correctional Institution. According to him, this program can empower the inmates to be prosperous at the time they breathe free air.


Apart from the MSMEs, the assisted residents will also receive training for improvement of skills in the fields of cooperatives, trade, social, arts and culture, education, labor, agriculture, animal husbandry to fisheries.