BANDUNG – PT DAHANA inaugurated the Team for Internalization and Strengthening of AKHLAK Culture in the 2023 Company Work Plan and Budget Elaboration Work Meeting. President Director Wildan Widarman directly led the inauguration ceremony which was held at the Hilton Hotel, Bandung, 3 February 2023.
In his remarks, Mr Widarman underlined the urgency of AKHLAK for DAHANA, in addition to directives from the Ministry of SOEs through Circular Letter Number SE-7/MBU/07/2020 dated 1 July 2020 on Core Values of Human Resources for State-Owned Enterprises. DAHANA also believes that AKHLAK can be the foundation for the progress and development of the Company.
“DAHANA has supported the AKHLAK SOE Core Values program since its establishment, and internalized it in every company activity, monitored and evaluated all employees. Now with the momentum of gathering all DAHANA officials from echelon 1 to 3, we confirmed the Team for Internalization and Strengthening of AKHLAK Culture,” said Mr Widarman.
AKHLAK is an acronym for (in Indonesian language) Amanah (trustworthy), Kompeten (competent), Harmonis (harmonious), Loyal (loyal), Adaptif (adaptive), and Kolaboratif (collaborative). Mr Widarman hoped that AKHLAK can be implemented by all employees. The officials present in the inauguration are expected to become gatekeepers for the implementation of AKHLAK in the daily activities of employees.
Since the year AKHLAK was introduced, DAHANA has been one of the SOEs that has been enthusiastic about these new core values. The explosives company has made AKHLAK the theme for the Company’s 54th anniversary in 2020. Apart from that, to ensure the internalization of AKHLAK in the corporate culture, DAHANA has also held an AKHLAK Culture Health survey Index (ACHI) in 2022. The results of this survey serve as the basis for developing and strengthening the AKHLAK core values program in 2023. Furthermore, another survey will be done at the end of the program or the end of 2023 which result will become the basis for the strengthening program in the coming years.
Mr Widarman added that the implementation of AKHLAK value at DAHANA has become both and important factor to increase the Company’s growth in a sustainable manner. He hoped that the AKHLAK culture can run well and effectively to make sure it leaves a positive impact on employee’s work motivation, productivity, performance and customer service.
“In line with the directions of the Shareholders, strengthening AKHLAK’s core values as DAHANA’s culture is expected to have a significant impact on improving the company’s performance to continue to grow and sustain. Hopefully, following this launching, AKHLAK’s core values can be implemented in the daily activities of all DAHANA personnel, both in the Company and in the community,” concluded Mr Widarman.