PT DAHANA handed over one unit of Satellite Pump Package (Submersible Pump) along with electrical installations and clean water pipes for residents of Kampung Cicapuh, Padaasih Village, Cibogo District, Subang Regency. Head of DAHANA’s Social and Environmental Responsibility (SER) Unit Eman Suherman directly delivered the aids to residents accompanied by Aiptu I Ketut Sugiana, a Police Officer in Charge Security and Order of Padaasih Village on Monday, August 26, 2024.

Mr Suherman said that in recent times, the SER Unit had received reports that residents were starting to have difficulty accessing clean water because the wells in residents’ homes dried up. DAHANA’s SER team responded by providing the required assistance to deal with the dry season.

“As our commitment to progressing and developing together with the community, DAHANA tries to be present to help solve the problems faced by the community. This clean water facility aid is also a program that has been set out in the DAHANA’s SER work program,” said Mr Suherman.

Mr Suherman added that learning from the experience in previous years, drought has become a threat to the Subang community, both in terms of livelihoods for farmers and a health threat due to difficult access in clean water. Satellite pump aid from DAHANA is expected to help reduce the threat of drought.

DAHANA’s SER has been organizing the Healthy Village Program in 2023 which is intended to promote the community’s healthy life and productivity around the Company. This Healthy Village Program has various derivative assistance programs, such as provision of additional food for residents with stunting, rivers cleaning, fogging, checking of community health, and provision of water facilities.

It is the Company’s wish that under the Healthy Village Program, the community could care more about their environment, increase awareness of healthy lifestyles and balanced nutrition which will lead to better community welfare.

“Hopefully this aid can be used utilized and benefited in an optimum way by the residents to get clean water. Please pray that DAHANA’s business will continue to run smoothly, continue to advance and develop. So that the beneficiaries of the SER program will also increase,” concluded Mr Suherman.