PT DAHANA attended the Pre-Convention for the Planning of Indonesian National Work Competency Standards (RSKKNI) for Drilling and Blasting in Mining. The convention was organized by the Director General of Mineral and Coal, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources of the Republic of Indonesia. The event was opened directly by the Director of Engineering and Environment, Director General of Mineral and Coal, Sunindyo Suryo Herdadi at the Grand Dafam Braga in Bandung, from 11 to 13 October 2023.
Mr Herdadi said that the preparation of the Indonesian National Work Competency Standards (SKKNI) aims to develop Human Resources (HR) engaged in the above areas of expertise in accordance with the needs of each party (educational/training institutions, the business world/industrial world, and testing and certification organization), and obtaining national and international recognition of the workforce, in this case the development of human resources in drilling and blasting in mining.
Meanwhile, Senior Auditor for Technical & Operational Affairs at PT DAHANA Sudirjo Heru said that currently the formulation team has come to the finalization stage. He hoped that the results of the SKKNI formulation can have a good impact on the development of the workforce in Indonesia, especially in the mining sector.
“One more stage of the process is the RSKKNI Convention and before we submit it for approval or stipulation by the Minister of Manpower of the Republic of Indonesia as a reference for the implementation of education and training as well as competency in the context of workforce competency certification in Indonesia,” said Mr Heru.
During the convention, Mr Heru was trusted as a member of the competency standards committee for the RSKKNI, as well as one of the resource persons and the RSKKNI drafting team Drilling and Blasting in Mineral and Coal Mining.
The convention as attended by 44 representatives from the Director General of Mineral and Coal, the Director General of Development of the Ministry of Manpower, PPSDM Geominerba, the Chair of the Professional Certification Institute (LSP) and the Head of Mining Engineering from PT Freeport Indonesia, PT Agincourt Resources, PT Adaro Indonesia, PT Berau Coal, PT Kaltim Prima Coal , PT J Resources Bolaang Mongondow, and some other companies.
PT DAHANA assigned Teja Sukmara (Senior Marketing & Operations Manager DTU-1); Ardias Febriananda (Regional Operations Manager); Agus Sofyan (Area Operations Manager) and Dedy Kusnaedi (DTU Finance and HR Manager) to take part in the Pre-Convention.