Hundreds of toddlers were involved in DAHANA CSR Fair 2018 on Wednesday (17/10). Accompanied by their parents and teachers, they enjoyed the colouring contest.
The colouring contest was part of DAHANA CSR FAIR which was held in collaboration with Association of Early Learning Institutions (Himpaudi) of Cibogo District. About 500 toddlers, originating from PAUD (early learning institution) around Cibogo, Subang, enthusiastically joined the contest.
Ida Royani, Chief of HIMPAUDI of Cibogo District, said that the colouring contest was part of an effort for children education.
“During the contest, we try to teach children how to be independent; parents and teachers are not allowed help the kids. We let the kids take their own decision on how to colour their picture,” said Ida.
Ida added that it was not the first contest of its kind. Cibogo’s Himpaudi had worked in collaboration with DAHANA for organization of the same contest. “We have been working together in such contest for some years,” explained Ida.
Apart from activities for the young children, other contest were also organized for junior and senior high school students such as the Koranic recital, trivia quiz, adzan contest, speech contests, and calligraphy.
The PAI contests organized during the CSR Fair were part of DAHANA program normally held in observation of Islam big days entitled ‘Manjadda Wajada’, which is an acronym of ‘Maulid Nabi & Jambore Dai DAHANA, Warga Jaya DAHANA Mendunia’. (SYA)