PT DAHANA has successfully carried out the Breakthrough of the Diversion Tunnel on the Budong-Budong Dam Construction Project. This dam will be the first dam in West Sulawesi. The Breakthrough was reached on Monday Afternoon, June 10, 2024, in Central Mamuju, West Sulawesi.

GM of the Quarry & Construction Division of PT DAHANA Setio Budhianto said that DAHANA’s success in the diversion tunnel of the Budong-Budong Dam Construction Project was the success of collaboration from all parties, both from the direction of the Board of Commissioners, guidance from the Directors, the hard work of all DAHANA employees, and the trust given by consumers in this case PT Brantas Abipraya – PT Bumi Karsa, KSO.

“DAHANA’s success in the construction of the Diversion Tunnel safely and timely at the Budong-Budong Dam is an addition to the Company’s portfolio. Hopefully, the Budong-Budong Dam can be widely utilized by the community as it should be,” said Mr Budhianto.

The Budong-Budong Dam has a storage capacity of 65 million m3 and is dedicated for developing and improving the irrigation area (DI) of 3,200 hectares to make sure it can increase planting intensity for potential rice fields of 2,777 hectares, oil palm plantations of 16,135.971 hectares, and existing rice fields of 230,907 hectares.

This dam construction is part of the National Strategic Project (PSN) for equitable development. The construction of the Budong-Budong Dam is expected to support food and water security programs. Apart from that, the presence of this dam also has the potential for raw water, energy, flood control, and tourism which will grow the local economy.

Within this project, DAHANA was commissioned a work contract from PT Brantas Abipraya – PT Bumi Karsa, KSO for Tunnel Excavation and Protection Work. During the work, the team encountered various challenges such as the fact that the work was in a remote area with limited facilities, complex rock structures that were prone to landslides, large water discharge, and unpredictable weather conditions.

“Thank God, and thanks to the cooperation of a competent and experienced team and the support of all parties, DAHANA managed to overcome the given challenges and complete the breakthrough according to the target with zero accidents,” said Sulawesi Regional Operations Manager for the Quarry & Construction Division, Yondra Feta Erizal.

The Breakthrough of the Budong-Budong Dam Diversion Tunnel was also attended by the PPK of Budong-Budong Dam, the Sulawesi III River Basin Center; the Ministry of Public Work and People’s Housing (PUPR), Mr. Dendi Tri Kusumah Darga as Project Manager of PT Brantas Abipraya-PT Bumi Karsa, KSO, PT Indra Karya, PT Tuah Agung Anugrah, PT Ciria Jasa E. C., KSO and the supervising consultant along with the entire Budong-Budong Dam Construction project team and other DAHANA partners.