7th Infobank State-owned Enterprises Award 2016 was held in Shangri-La Hotel ballroom in Jakarta on Thursday, October 20.
The event was delivered by one of Indonesia’s national economic media which served as appreciation for all of the State-owned Enterprises’ performance throughout 2015 based on rating applied to 118 enterprises.
“That’s due to the fact that State-owned Enterprises are asset that we need to protect collectively,” said Eko B. Supriyanto during the speech.
State-owned Enterprises’ Minister Rini R. Soemarno who was scheduled to be present at the event was represented by Gatot Trihargo, Deputy of Service and Finance of Ministry of State-owned Enterprises.
“Despite the fact that the awards are given to state-owned enterprises, I believe that the State-owned Enterprises’ intervention to the event does not exist. The award delivery is highly independent and credible,” Gatot pointed out.
Dahana is one of the award winners. The state-owned explosive producing enterprise was awarded with ‘Excellent’ title for category of defence industry. To DAHANA, the award is so special for the fact that it was delivered in DAHANA’s 50th golden anniversary moment.
“It’s simply DAHANA’s remarkable achievement. DAHANA’s today strategy for business operation management has been on the track for its being clean and transparent. This is well explained by excellent performance assessed by independent institutions,” said Bambang Agung, PT DAHANA (Persero)’s Director of Operation following the award delivery that afternoon.
Agung added that in the future DAHANA would not be satisfied with merely an ‘excellent’ title; it should be ‘Golden Award’
“The key is, for the five consecutive coming years, we have to maintain and even improve our performance, making it even better than ever,” he concluded as he spoke to DFile [aan]