Participating in ITB Exhibition, Dahana Supports SOMP Activities
Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) held a big event on 25-27 dedicated for mining academic communities originating from some world campuses, namely the Society of Mining Professors (SOMP).
SOMP is a community committed to contributing to future mining. The society aims to develop scientific, academic, technical and professional knowledge required to ensure the availability of sustainable mineral for the humankind.
The four-day event was actually the International Symposium and The 8th Society of Mining Profesors Regional Meeting 2018, held at Conference Hall, CRCS Building, ITB, Bandung.
The first day of the international symposium brought the themes of ‘Mining In Asia : Curent Status and Prospect’ along with other sub-themes such as Mining Geology & Exploration Technology, Mining Tecnology, Mineral Processing Tecnology, Environmental Issue of Mining, Mineral Economics & Policy, dan Novel Mining Technology.
Meanwhile, SOMP for Regional Meeting was held the next day under the theme of Mining Development in Asia: Challenges anda Opportunities for Asian Mining Education. The event was finalized by a site visit to Pongkor in Bogor.
Not to miss the gathering event of mining practitioners and academicians, PT DAHANA (Persero), the state-owned enterprise producing explosive and mining services was involved in the event. Apart from having a booth for display of its innovative products, DAHANA also actively supported the event serving as major sponsor.
Della Devia, DAHANA’s Public Relations Officer who was also present at the event. “This is a good event where both national and international mining professors are present; it’s a perfect opportunity for DAHANA to introduce its innovative products,” said Della to Dfile.
It is easily understood that the event simply brought about the spirit for knowledge sharing in which related professionals and academicians got the chance to discuss matters and issues on the advancement of mining from the technical, environmental, economic and sustainable points of view.
Such spirit has also been developed by PT DAHANA (Persero). Being as state-owned company, DAHANA does not only focus on profit-making, but also takes the necessary attempts to contribute related science and knowledge from its research and development to the mining industry. Such commitment has been demonstrated by the construction of its integrated Energetic Material Center (EMC) in Subang regency.
The spirit for science advancement is also proven by the way the head-office is called ‘Campus’; an area where office building and a Training Center are located. There is also an organization which was directly established by DAHANA, namely National Institute of Energetic Material (NIEM), which is dedicated to those interested high energy materials. NIEM was established as a part of the country’s effort to be independent in terms of technology of high energy materials.
In fact, NIEM will be implementation of DAHANA’s vision to be the most excellent national industry in high energy material by producing competitive yet environmental friendly goods and services. (SYA)