Indonesia is a country with abundant natural resources potentials, among others are metal and non-metal minerals. Mining industry is growing with extensive exploration, exploitation, management and marketing.
With regards to that, the Government has designed strategic policies for beneficial use of such natural resources for companies wishing to invest in mining sector.
However, national government regulations have not been applied in a comprehensive way taking all the involved parties into consideration, leaving with the fact that rules are overlapping and in conflict with the previous ones.
In view of such issues, a student organization called Association of Mining Engineering Students of Universitas Syiah Kuala (Unsyiah), Banda Aceh, held a National Seminar under title “Minng as Indonesia’s Vital Industry”.
The seminar was held on September 29, 2018 at AAC Dayan Dawood Building of Unsyiah, Banda Aceh. Themes raised in the seminars included ways of maximizing mining function in some sectors and mining sector as labour provider and improvement of human resources development in support to reduction of unemployment rate.
Syahnanda Putra, the Committee Chief, pointed out that the seminar was part of their effort of seeking more information and insight as well as better understanding of the industry role in view of elevation of the nation’s economy.
“We are trying to identify how strategic our current mining industry is. It is also our wish to get a better comprehension of our mineral and coal resource potential with regards to their optimum use, and the role of mining sector in terms of reduction of unemployment rate,” said Syahnanda.
To get the best benefit of the seminar, the committee also invited some related speakers, among others the top person at the state-owned explosive producer, namely Budi Antono, President Director of PT DAHANA (Persero).
Budi Antono was invited as one of the keynote speakers of mining industry sector. The theme under discussion was mining sector as provider of employment and improvement of human resourced for reduction of unemployment rate.
The one-day seminar was enthusiastically welcomed by those attendees such lecturers, students, government official, industry doers, non-governmental organization and the public. (SYA)