This event aims to establish communication between the millennial and the CEO so that the millennial can actively support the company’s vision and mission and are motivated to support Dahana’s advancement.
In order to transfer knowledge between generations within the Company, DAHANA’s millennials received a training during the Coaching Clinic event under the theme “DAHANA’s Challenges Ahead”. This event was held at the Subang Headquarters on Tuesday, December 10, 2019 and in Jakarta on December 11, 2019 respectively. The two similar events were directly attended the President Director of PT DAHANA (Persero) Budi Antono.
The future challenge faced by the explosives industry leaves the industry with a couple of obstacles, competition between companies, the courage to produce innovative products and services, and the ability to penetrate into broader markets. All of these should be well dealt with by the younger generation of DAHANA. Budi said that DAHANA would become a big company, and that heavily depends on the ability of the people in the company.
“DAHANA will become a big company, sooner or later, and it is up to all of us. It is like people on board a rowing boat: some really row, some pretend to row and some make it sink. We must take the rowing task in uniform, with the sense of friendship that builds unity,” said Budi.
Budi also explained that DAHANA’s optimism will grow great. This is not a nonsense talk; it is real because there is something that DAHANA is aiming for and doing. Such projects include the construction of the Ammonium Nitrate plant which is planned to be completed in 2022, the construction of the Electronic Detonator Plant which will be completed by the end of 2020, and other potential businesses.
“With the presence of the Ammonium Nitrate (AN) factory, I believe Dahana’s position in the explosives industry will be even stronger,” he said optimistically.
Budi also advised the Millennials at DAHANA to continue to develop their abilities. Budi said millennial generation must continue to develop capabilities and do not stop innovate, because it is a fact that that these millennial employees will continue to lead the Company.
“Hopefully, one of those present at the moment will become directors in the future. Keep in mind that your work is your history, ” Budi’s said at the end of his speech.
Meanwhile, according to Ayudia Sasmaya, member of the event committee, the purpose of the Coaching Clinic with this director was to establish better communication between millennials and CEOs so that millennials can actively support the company’s vision and mission and continue to be motivated to support Dahana’s advancement.
“With this activity, the company’s vision and mission and direction are clearly conveyed to employees. This way, everything can go hand in hand in the direction as expected in the company’s targets, ” concluded Ayudia. (rmt)