Ten DAHANA’s MSEs of fostered partners took part in the Ramadhan Bazaar organized by the Women Association of Subang Regency Agriculture Office. This annual routine activity was held at the Ceremony Field of the Subang Regency Agriculture Service, on Monday 20 March 2023.
The Head of the Subang District Agriculture Office, Nenden Setiawati, said that the Bazaar in welcoming the Ramadhan is expected to make it easier for Subang people to shop at affordable prices, as well as an effort to introduce Subang products, especially from the agricultural sector.
“Thank God, we have synergy from the related working unit and management of the Office, ready to support food security, especially for suppressing regional inflation,” said Mrs Setiawati.
Apart from that, Mrs Setiawati emphasized that supplying staple foods at affordable prices are part of the Regional Government’s efforts to reduce stunting rates. Subang Regency is currently promoting programs to achieve zero stunting to make sure that in the future the people of Subang can live with adequate nutrition and become a productive society.
Meanwhile, Head of DAHANA’s Social and Environmental Responsibility (SER) unit, Eman Suherman, also supported the activities of the Bazaar ahead of Ramadhan by assigning 10 fostered MSEs to the bazaar. According to Mr Suherman, apart from bringing people closer to basic needs, this event can also increase the marketing and sales of local MSMEs.
As a company with an office in Subang Regency, DAHANA is also actively involved in solving regional issues, such as stunting reduction which has been on the SER’s agenda since previous years. DAHANA is always working together with the Subang District Health Office, both in carrying out zero stunting campaigns and providing direct assistance to people in need.
In line with the Head of Service, the Secretary of the Subang Regency Agriculture Service Asep Heryana also hoped that the people of Subang can participate in this event, especially during the month of Ramadan, when the prices of basic necessities normally increase. With this activity, it is expected that people can worship peacefully without having to think about increasing basic needs because as they have shopped at the Bazaar.
“The agriculture service hoped that with this event, we can develop and promote MSMEs in Subang Regency, and then in anticipating Ramadan, Subang people or any community can visit the booth and get basic needs at more affordable prices, Mr Heryana said.
Juli Jajuli
Senior Manager Legal & Corporate Communications
Email : julijajuli@dahana.id
Mobile: 082111546999