DAHANA’s Director of Finance, Risk Management and HR, Ahayanizzaman, representing the President Wildan Widarman inaugurated employees who received job promotions and rotations. The inauguration took place in a hybrid way through the zoom meeting application and offline at the DAHANA Campus on Friday, January 20, 2023.
In his remarks, Mr Ahyanizzaman said that the employee promotions and rotations were undertaken in order to fulfil the needs of the organization as well as efforts to increase employee’s competence and capabilities of employees in hoping that that they will be able to carry out their duties in a better way, while at the same time reach capacity building with wider responsibilities.
“With regards to employee development through promotions and rotations, kindly be reminded, that (employee development) ca optimally be done in an upward spiral (movement), to make sure that an employee does not only develop his/her technical expertise in one department but also improves managerial competence in a comprehensive manner,” said Mr Ahyanizzaman.
Mr Ahyanizzaman also emphasized that, under the AKHLAK’s core values, it is hoped that the promoted and transferred officials can carry out their new duties well, particularly in terms of maintaining of the Company’s condition to ensure it remains sustainable. It is also necessary to learn from various tasks in previous positions. Such learning experience can be used as input for various improvements in subsequent assignments.
A total of 32 employees received promotions, and two others received rotations at this inauguration opportunity, with a variety of positions ranging from Superintendent Job Site Projects at several DAHANA sites, to Senior Staff and Supervisors.
“I believe that you will carry out your duties to the best of your ability, in accordance with applicable company regulations, with full sense of responsibility. Good luck on your assignment, may God Almighty always bless us all, and may PT DAHANA continue to progress with the new stakeholders,” said Ahyanizzaman.
The following is a list of employees who received job promotions and rotations:
Job Promotion:
1. Maman Durohman: formerly Supervisor of Commercial Products Customer Relations for the Oil & Gas & Military Division, now Assistant Manager for Commercial Product, Customer Relations for the Oil & Gas & Military Division.
2. Victor Natan: formerly Operations Supervisor of PAMA TCM Melak JsP DTU-1, now Superintendent of Operations Jhonlin Baratama JsP DTU-1
3. Firdaus: formerly Supervisor of Operations Karimun JsP DKK, now Superintendent of Operations Karimun JsP DKK
4. Rahayu Setiyo Widodo: formerly Operations Supervisor for RCI ABK & MPP Jsp DTU-1, now Operations Superintendent for ABK Jsp DTU-1
5. Jeni Miftah: Formerly Operations Supervisor of KWN Bengalon JsP DTU-2, now Operations Superintendent of KWN Bengalon JsP DTU-2
6. Santoso: formerly Supervisor of Operations of CCM Jsp DTU-1, now Superintendent of Operations of CCM Jsp DTU-1
7. Slamat Widodo: formerly Operations Supervisor of EBL JsP DTU-1, now Superintendent of Operations EBL JsP DTU-1
8. Daniel Aulia: formerly Supervisor of SBA Operations JsP DKK, now Superintendent of Sigli Aceh Operations JsP DKK
9. Yudhi Wahyudi: formerly Quality Assurance Supervisor, now Assistant Quality Assurance Manager
10. Edi Supriatna: formerly Supervisor of Design and Technology of Tools and Facilities, now become Assistant Manager of Design and Technology of Tools and Facilities
11. Indra Putra: formerly Production Facility Maintenance Supervisor, now become Production Facility Maintenance Superintendent
12. Icha Mustika: formerly Accounting Supervisor, now Assistant DTU Finance Manager
13. Muhammad Hilman H.: formerly Military Product Research and Innovation Supervisor, now Assistant Manager for Military Product Research and Innovation
14. Muhammad Aminuddin: formerly Supervisor of Operations AGM JsP DTU-1, now Superintendent of Operations AGM JsP DTU-1
15. Reny Kurniawati: formerly Supervisor of Customer Relations for the Special Region of DTU-1, now become Assistant Manager of Customer Relations for the Special Region of DTU-1
16. M. Assegaf Haydar Rofi: formerly Production Facility Maintenance Supervisor, now Production Facility Maintenance Superintendent
17. Novita Anggraini Rinda: forfmerly DKK Procurement Supervisor, now become DKK Quarry Sector Customer Relations Manager Assistant
18. Fajar Pratama: formerly Legal and Corporate Governance Supervisor, now Assistant Legal and Corporate Governance Manager
19. Siti Hatanty Aisah: formerly Support Supervisor of the Oil, Gas and Military Division, now Assistant Manager for Support for the Oil & Gas & Military Division
20. Indra Wijaya: PT KAN Project Control (Supervisor level), now PT KAN Project Control (Assistant Manager level)
21. Steffano Jatayu: formerly Treasury Supervisor, now Assistant Manager for Monitoring and Evaluation of the Company’s Business
22. Primadiani Nurhanidar: formerly Administration, Logistics & General Affairs of PT KAN (level of Supervisor), now Administration, Logistics & General Affairs of PT KAN (level of Assistant Manager)
23. Fajar Akbar: formerly Production Facility Maintenance Supervisor, now Assistant Manager of IT Infrastructure Development and Operations
24. Fijria Rahmawati: formerly Supervisor of Company Business Monitoring and Evaluation, now Assistant Manager of Payables, Receivables & Insurance
25. Sigit Kamseno: formerly Assistant Supervisor for Operations for IMK Jsp DTU 1, now Supervisor for Operations for IMK Jsp DTU 1
26. Xaverius Nijo Sandri: formerly Assistant Operations Supervisor for Adaro JsP DTU-2, now Operations Supervisor for Adaro JsP DTU-2.
27. Cucu Mukarom: formerly Assistant Operations Supervisor of KWN Bengalon Jsp DTU-2, now Operations Supervisor of KWN Bengalon Jsp DTU-2
28. Ismun Parmuji: formerly Assistant Supervisor of Operations for Semen Padang Jsp DKK, now Operations Supervisor for Semen Padang Jsp DKK
29. Petrus Beda Kayun: formerly Assistant Supervisor of Operations for Semen Tonasa Jsp DKK, now Supervisor for Operations for Semen Tonasa Jsp DKK
30. Idik Sodikin: formerly Assistant Supervisor of Warehousing in Balikpapan, now Supervisor of Warehousing in Balikpapan.
31. Febriyan Nur Anggraeni: formerly Senior Staff for Research, Innovation and Technology, now Quality Assurance Supervisor
32. Deni Mulyadi: formerly DTU Senior Support Staff, now Accounting Supervisor
Job Rotation:
1. Yustinus Sudarminto: formerly DKK Human Resources Supervisor, now become Jakarta Office Housekeeping Supervisor
2. Rosidta Aliandawati: formerly Supervisor of Payables, Receivable and Insurance Management, now become Treasury Supervisor