In welcoming holy month of Ramadan while helping revitalize the economy of the fostered partners, PT DAHANA together with the Regional Secretary of Subang Regency organized circumcision for children on Tuesday, March 29, 2022 at the Pendopo Subang Regency.
Head of DAHANA’s Social and Environmental Responsibility unit, Eman Suherman said that for the circumcision, his unit worked in collaboration with MSMEs fostered by DAHANA to provide locally made products used as gifts for circumcision participants.
“We want to participate and help the community in observance of the Sharia in the form of child circumcision in these difficult economic conditions. However, in addition to making the circumcision participants happy, we also encourage PT DAHANA’s fostered MSMEs to offer their products as gifts for participants,” said Mr Suherman.
Mr Suherman also explained that DAHANA’s fostered partners engaged in the MSME sector were one of the institutions affected by the pandemic. Some of the fostered have partners were even unable to operate due to the difficult economic situations. Some of the foster partners with fixed export contracts even failed to run the business operation as buyers cancelled he contracts due to the same economic difficulties.
The given communal circumcision is one of DAHANA’s strategies to utilize the products of the fostered partners, either in the form of snacks or children’s toys. This is expected to stimulate the economy of the fostered partners to make sure they can resume operations and develop their businesses.
Hernawan, one of DAHANA’s fostered partners with the business name Evan Art Gallery, produces handicrafts ranging from children’s toys to carved swords on a daily basis. For the circumcision activity, he expressed his gratitude to DAHANA for providing him with capital assistance and DAHANA constant presence and prepared for solutions to fostered partners, from training, marketing, to purchase of products during critical times such as this pandemic.
“We are very grateful to DAHANA. After several years we stopped operating due to the pandemic, and while the export and tourism f have not recovered, DAHANA is here to purchase our products. Hopefully this will be an additional encouragement for us to get back on our feet, especially in the MSME sector engaged in the handicraft sector, “said Mr Hernawan.