MDTA Nurul Iman, a Moslem elementary school in Subang Regency, received a charity PT DAHANA, a company engaged in the field of high energy materials. The charity was a set of Marawis and Hadroh Islamic musical instruments. The musical instrument sets were received directly by Ustadz Rohmat Hidayatullah, the recipient’s representative, on Friday, 5 May 2023.
Janitra Yoga, PT DAHANA’s Social and Environmental Responsibility (SER) representative was present to hand over the donation. According to Mr Yoga, the donation is part of PT DAHANA’s social program in order to help the community around the company’s operational area.
“We would like to convey greetings from the Head of DAHANA’s SER unit, Mr. Suherman who was unable to attend to hand over the donation himself. However, he hoped that with the educational support facilities for the elementary school level, what PT DAHANA provided can be of benefit to the children to help students get more enthusiastic about learning, especially about Islamic musical arts,” said Mr Yoga.
Apart from that, he said that the company also hoped that the learning environment for children will also be more varied with the presence of artistic musical instruments. This donation was delivered at the same time in commemoration of National Education Day which falls every May 2.
On this occasion, Ustadz Rohmat Hidayatullah also expressed his gratitude to PT DAHANA for the donation to the school in the area. He wished PT DAHANA’s social programs would continue and be able to provide greater benefits to the community around the Company’s operational environment.
“We express our deepest gratitude to PT DAHANA in hoping that that PT DAHANA will progress and develop so that it can provide greater benefits to the surrounding community,” said Ustadz Hidayatullah.
Mr Yoga also stated that PT DAHANA remains committed to continuing to contribute to the development of the community around the Company’s operational environment through its CSR programs. In this case, the company views that education is an important part in building quality and competent human resources.
“It is our hope that the donation can provide great benefits for the children at MDTA Nurul Iman and can provide inspiration for other companies to be able to contribute to community development,” concluded Mr Yoga.
Juli Jajuli
Senior Manager Legal & Corporate Communications
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