PT DAHANA (Persero) with five other Strategic Industries of State-Owned Enterprises signed the Memorandum of Understanding with PT Surveyor Indonesia. The MOU was signed on 12 February 2019 at 21st floor of Ministry of State-owned Enterprise Building.
The signing of Memorandum of Understanding is intended to ensure the quantity and quality of products and services of six state-owned enterprises in support to the national strategic industries. This is because the current global business is in a dynamic in nature. Tighter business competition and trade war within the global area requires that each Company, including the State-owned Enterprises, improve their products and service quantity and quality in order to survive or develop.
In anticipation to such challenge, DAHANA decided to build synergy with other institutions namely with PT Surveyor Indonesia. The collaboration will allow PT Surveyor Indonesia to supervise DAHANA’s construction of manufacturing plants.
“The synergy is also intended to materialize our tagline One Nation, One Vision, One Family to Excellence to make sure that that the State-owned Enterprises are there for the country, and to build synergy as key to productivity improvement and value achievement. This way not only can we develop, but also jump further ahead,” said Dian M. Noer, President Director of PT Surveyor Indonesia.
The signing was also witnessed by Deputy for Mining, Strategic Industry and Media of Ministry of State-owned Enterprises, Fajar Harry Sampurno, and PT DAHANA (Persero) who was directly represented by the President Director Budi Antono.
Apart from DAHANA, five other State-owned Enterprises attending the signing of memorandum of Understanding were PT Pertamina (Persero), PT Len Industri (Persero), PT Perusahaan Gas Negara (PGN) Tbk, PT Dirgantara Indonesia (Persero), and PT Pertamina Bina Medika. (YQ)