Jakarta, 25 May 2021. The Pamukkulu Dam that is part of the National Strategic Project is planned to become the third largest dam in South Sulawesi Province, after the Bili-bili Dam in Gowa and Paselloreng in Wajo. At the Pamukkulu Dam in Takalar Regency, DAHANA is  commissioned  with 378-meter dodge and 294-meter taker for construction of two tunnels.


DAHANA started its first blasting in July 2020 with a 6-month contract extended to one year. Under the rainy season and with water entering the tunnel, DAHANA team has been also doing some pumping work to make sure that the blasting process can be carried out and the project is completed within the time frame allowed by the customer.


“For the blasting process, we make a 2.5 to 3.0 meter deep hole meters deep using Dayagel Extra 200gr, Dayadet Non Electric Detonator. Meanwhile for the series we use the Detonating Cord and Electric Detonator for the initiation,” said Setio Budhianto, GM of the Quarry and Construction Division of PT. DAHANA (Persero) in Jakarta, 25 May 2021.


Setio added that the application of explosives in the tunneling project has some advantages over the others; blasting can speed up the tunneling process making the work effective and efficient as the required by the customer.


“DAHANA must be more competitive both internally which requires efficient structuring, and externally in terms of competing for projects and providing the best total explosives services,” continued Setio Budhianto.


Meanwhile, Operations Director of PT DAHANA (Persero) Bambang Agung assessed that the business prospect in the construction sector is widely open. In mid-2021, sill during the pandemic, PT DAHANA (Persero)’s Quarry and Constriction Division team is preparing to face various types of construction projects such as the Probowangi Toll Road in East Java, the Sigli Toll Road in Aceh, the Cipanas Sumedang Dam, and several other construction projects. .


“In addition, we have a road construction project to Smelter in the Morowali area which is planned for 22 km. The Dahana Quarry & Construction Team had to clear forest areas in the two villages of Bahodopi and Filapi in Morowali. Dahana is currently preparing formidable personnel with equipment and explosives resources adjusted to field conditions. In this project, DAHANA is working with a complete package in the form of Drilling and Blasting using Dabex explosives, ”explained Bambang Agung.


DAHANA has en extensive experience in developing the country. For  instance, the experience in the construction of PLTU’s Suralaya 2 X 1000 MW project, the Trans Sumatra toll road in Lampung, Tugu Trenggalek Dam, Construction of West Sumatra Mandeh Access Road, Jati Gede Dam, Switchyard PLTU Salira and many more. This had made DAHANA a trusted and reliable partner in blasting services for national strategic projects.