Dahana’s Central Management Office (Campus) welcomed hundred of people; they were students of Diploma 3 Mining Engineering of Universitas Negeri Padang (UNP) and training participants organized by the Police Headquarters.
The groups consisted of 77 students of UNP, and 120 representatives of companies attending for training of Blasters and Commercial Blasting/Commercial Blasting Management, 2018.
“They are participants for Training for Blasters and Non-mining Explosives Management organized by the Police Headquerters. Previoulsy they had related training material under DAHANA’s blasting instructor. They are here now for further learning, namely introduction to DAHANA,” explained Chief of National Security Section, Police Commissioner Dr. H. Kasmen, ME.
Mr Kasmen said that the training was the initial training under the Police Headquarters’ organization. “The training is in reference to the Police Chief’s Regulation Number 17 year of 2017. This is our very first training,” said Mr Kasmen to Dfile. (3/5/2018)
“The regulation specifies that non-mining blasting for construction purposes, and management of explosives must be certified by the National Police,” Mr Kasmen added.
During the event, again, DAHANA took the role as instructor. PT DAHANA (Persero)’s Director of Operation, Bambang Agung, welcomed the participants. “Commercial blasting providers and operators of explosives should comply with the prevailing regulation, namely the Police Chief’s Regulation 17 year 2017, among others, article 7, point 3,” said Bambang Agung.
Article 7 point 3 reads : “Non-mining end users shall : a) be equipped appointment or contract agreement with the project owners, b) have a project engineering chief; c) have certified blaster(s) or shooter(s), certification which is issued by the National Police’s Head of Intelligent and Security Department.
During the visit, the participants were directly accompanied by Bambang Agung. The participants also had the opportunity to see production area in Ring 1, where they could see the Booster, Danfo and non-eletrical detonator manufacturing plant. They also got the chance to see blasting quality test at DAHANA’s bunker.