PT DAHANA (Persero) got the trust from PT Indo Muro Kencana (IMK) a three-year drilling, blasting, and permitting job at IMK Jobsite, located in the village of Dirung Lingkin, district of Tanah Siang Selatan, regency of Murung Raya, Central Kalimantan. Dahana started drilling in October 2017 followed with blasting using Amonium Nitrat Fuel Oil (ANFO) on 13 March 2018, and first blasting with emulsion on July 2018.

DAHANA is committed to employing local labor with 80% of skilled and unskilled workers at the IMK sites. The work adaptation process went smoothly despite minor delays.

DAHANA’s workers on site experienced challenging geographical issues with 3 x 4 spatial and burden condition which makes it difficult for the ANFO Truck (AFT) to conveniently go through the passage. However, DAHANA found a way to distribute the explosives into each of the hole, namely by containing the explosives in 50-kg mini-bags for further manual handling into the blasting holes.
Dahana’s first blasting at IMK covered only 50 holes. Initial blasting gave satisfactory result with no fumes, good fragmentation, and safe ground vibration and air-blast.

DAHANA also developed good work relations with IMK in term of daily operational work where discussions and talks were raised when facing constraints. Working atmosphere between DAHANA and IMK grew well both during operation and non-operation situation.

“IMK’s employees do not treat us like a contractor. I even feel I am working for IMK as IMK has been warm and friendly to us,” said Reny Kurniawati, DAHANA Safety Officer DAHANA for IMK