The GCG Team of Defense Industry SOEs’ visited the West Java Representative Office for Finance and Development  Supervisory(BPKP). The visit, which was held on Thursday, 27 May 2021, was in preparation for the implementation of the GCG Self Assessment Workshop within in the Defense Industry SOEs environment.


The 2020 GCG Assessment for the  State-Owned Defense Industry by BPKP was completed in May 2021. Meanwhile, for the 2021 fiscal year the implementation of the GCG assessment will  used  the self-assessment method by the internal team of each Defense Industry SOEs.


“Therefore, the Defense Industry GCG Team needs sufficient provisions to carry out the self-assessment, one of which is by holding a workshop with the BPKP,” explained Krisna Cahyadianus, Corporate Secretary of PT Pindad (Persero) during his speech representing the Defense Industry GCG Team.


The GCG assessment by the BPKP for the 2020 financial year is very useful in measuring the corporate governance implemented by the company. According to Krisna, in the next self-assessment the team will focus on completing the Area of Improvement (AOI). Krisna stated that, in the next self-assessment the team will focus on completing the Area of Improvement (AOI).


“Increasing the implementation of GCG is very good for the company, and of course it will also impact the targeted score increase. It is our hope that in 2024 the GCG score for the Defense Industry Holding will be 90.05,” said Krisna.


Currently, the Defense Industry SOEs Cluster is doing its final preparations to become a Holding with the DEFEND ID (Defense Industry Indonesia) brand. PT Len Industri (Persero) was appointed as a leader consisting of PT Pindad (Persero), PT Dahana (Persero), PT Dirgantara Indonesia (Persero) and PT Pal Indonesia (Persero) with a vision of becoming an advanced, strong, independent, empowered and competitive  national defense industry and leading in the global market.


Intensive internal improvement measures have been taken to prepare for the formation of coding. The preparation ranges from internalization of AKHLAK’s core values to implementation of GCG and digitizing of business processes for operational excellence including Human Capital Management System, Production Process Automation (Smart Factory), Application of Artificial Intelligence, SAP Integration and Supplier Management and e-Proc.